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Project information

Comparative analysis of electric market regulatory systems in different Latin American countries

January 2013 - December 2014

Funding entity Enel Foundation

Participated by MIT, PSR - PSR Soluçoes e Consultoria em Energia Ltda

The objective of this project is to develop an updated and complete analysis of the regulatory approaches adopted in the main electricity markets of Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru. The analysis focuses especially on the detailed analysis of the design of the different wholesale market mechanisms, including capacity mechanisms and non-conventional renewable generation auction processes, as well as the design of the different network tariffs and prices for end users.
The ultimate goal is to contribute to a prospective vision of the direction that the regulation of the electrical systems of the region can take, in light of the evolution observed in recent years, as well as to propose innovative solutions that can contribute to increase the efficiency of the development of the electricity business, including regional integration processes, which would require extensive regulatory harmonization.